Dentists and dental hygienists are at risk of developing hearing loss and tinnitus due to the excess noise from their equipment. Although the noise sources are intermittent, drills and suction can generate noise levels of over 100 dBA.

Lucas Audiology provides specialty earplugs for dental services which protect your hearing from noise-induced hearing loss, while also maintaining the ability to communicate with patients and staff.

Custom earplugs for dentists and dental hygienists

  1. Maintain ability to hear and communicate to staff and patients

  2. Protection from noise

  3. Comfortable and easy to insert

  4. Reusable and sanitary


Impressions: Lucas Audiology provides on-site impressions and ensures proper fit of custom hearing protection throughout Southwestern Ontario. Impressions are taken by a college-regulated Audiologist at the convenience of the workplace environment.

Professionally Fit: The finished products are professionally fit by an Audiologist to ensure proper fit and comfort.